Out salesteam is ready to answer your questions and further assistance. You will find our contact information below. In order to reduce SPAM we listed our email addresses in a way they our not easely copy and pasted.

For your benefit we kindly request you to use toe email form on this page. During submission a copy of the message is send back to you.

SALES department BeNeLux and Europe

PHONE +31 783030 290
FAX +31 786819 670
s a l e s @ m e e f i l . n l
HEAD OFFICE The Netherlands

PHONE +31 786815 233
FAX +31 786819 670
i n f o @ m e e f i l . n l

POSTAL ADDRESS (no shipments)

P.O. Box 85
3341 AB Hendrik Ido Ambacht
The Netherlands


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SalesTeam Meefil BV


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